Virtual Field Trips
Cincinnati Zoo - Live animal encounters each weekday at 3 PM
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Live Cams
Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam
Huston Zoo Animal Cams
Georgia Aquarium Web Cams
Discovery Education
Google Arts and Culture also has many virtual tours, including the Cincinnati Art Museum
Learning Resources
Code Camp Free online Ivy League Courses (Aimed at Adults)
Video Content
Go Noodle Fun interactive kids entertainment
Born Yoga a Family aimed Yoga channel
Cosmic Kids Yoga Mindfulness and yoga set to stories familiar to kids
Museum Based Coloring pages (Images may include historical art work which may have some nudity so use your discretion when making decisions)
Play the ukulele and dulcimer
Kentucky Libraries Unbound - People who want to download free ebooks, audiobooks, etc.
Online Reading
Epic - Subscription based but it has a free introductory month
Overdrive - Free with a participating library card
State and Federal Health Guidelines
Information and Emergency Funding for Artists
The Actors Fund - Fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan.
Freelance Artists - Can access this rich list of resources.
NAPAMA - (North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents) provides COVID-19 information particular to performing artists, agents and managers.
CERF+ - The Artists Safety Net is focusing resources to assist artists who test positive for COVID-19 and require intensive medical care.
Foundation for Contemporary Arts - Emergency Grants provide urgent funding ($500-$2,500) for visual and performing artists who incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completion with committed exhibition or performance dates.
Rauschenberg Emergency Grants - The fund provides one-time cash grants of up to $5,000 to cover expenses caused by one-time, unexpected medical emergencies. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to: hospital and doctor bills (including insurance co-pays), tests, physical/occupational therapy, prescription drugs specifically for the emergency medical condition, and emergency dental work.
Change, Inc. - Emergency grants for artists in all disciplines needing help with rent, medical expenses, utility bills, fire damage, etc. Grants up to $1,000. Call 212.473.3742 for complete instructions (via a clear, concise message) on how to apply for the grant.
Musician's Foundation - Grants typically range in amount from approximately $500-$3,000. All professional musicians, regardless of their genre or instrument, can apply for themselves or a family member. You must be a musician in a time of serious need, due to personal, medical, dental, or family crisis, natural disaster, or other emergency situation.
MusiCares - May grant short-term financial assistance for personal or addiction needs that have arisen due to unforeseen circumstances. Funding may be awarded for needs such as rent, car payments, insurance premiums, utilities, medical/dental expenses, psychotherapy, addiction treatment, sober living, and other personal expenses.
Authors League Fund - The Authors League Fund helps professional writers in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income, or other misfortune by providing no-strings-attached “loans” to pay for pressing expenses.
PEN American Writers’ Emergency Fund - Emergency grant provides financial assistance to painters, printmakers, and sculptors whose needs are the result of an unforeseen incident, and who lack the resources to meet that situation.